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Source code for dolo.algos.perfect_foresight

import numpy
from numpy import linspace, zeros

[docs]def find_steady_state(model, e, force_values=None): ''' Finds the steady state corresponding to exogenous shocks e :param model: an "fga" model :param e: a vector with the value for the exogenous shocks :return: a list containing a vector for the steady-states and the corresponding steady controls ''' s0 = model.calibration['states'] x0 = model.calibration['controls'] p = model.calibration['parameters'] z = numpy.concatenate([s0, x0]) e = numpy.atleast_2d(e.ravel()).T if force_values is not None: inds = numpy.where( numpy.isfinite( force_values ) )[0] vals = force_values[inds] def fobj(z): s = numpy.atleast_2d( z[:len(s0)] ).T x = numpy.atleast_2d( z[len(s0):] ).T a = model.functions['auxiliary'](s,x,p) S = model.functions['transition'](s,x,a,e,p) if force_values is not None: S[inds,0] = vals r = model.functions['arbitrage'](s,x,a,s,x,a,p) return numpy.concatenate([S-s, r]) from dolo.numeric.solver import solver steady_state = solver(fobj, z) return [steady_state[:len(s0)], steady_state[len(s0):]]
[docs]def deterministic_solve(model, shocks=None, T=100, use_pandas=True, ignore_constraints=False, start_s=None, verbose=False): ''' Computes a perfect foresight simulation. :param model: an "fga" model :param shocks: a `n_e \times N` matrix containing `N` realizations of the shocks. `N` must be smaller than `T`. The exogenous process is assumed to remain constant and equal to its last value after `N` periods. :param T: the horizon for the perfect foresight simulation :param use_pandas: if True, returns a pandas dataframe, else the simulation matrix :param ignore_constraints: if True, complementarity constraintes are ignored constraints :return: a dataframe with T+1 observations of the model variables along the simulation (states, controls, auxiliaries). The first observation is the steady-state corresponding to the first value of the shocks. The simulation should return to a steady-state corresponding to the last value of the exogenous shocks. ''' # TODO: # definitions n_s = len(model.calibration['states']) n_x = len(model.calibration['controls']) if shocks == None: shocks = numpy.zeros( (len(model.calibration['shocks']),1)) # until last period, exogenous shock takes its last value epsilons = numpy.zeros( (shocks.shape[0], T)) epsilons[:,:shocks.shape[1]] = shocks epsilons[:,shocks.shape[1:]] = shocks[:,-1:] # final initial and final steady-states consistent with exogenous shocks start = find_steady_state( model, numpy.atleast_2d(epsilons[:,0:1]), force_values=start_s) final = find_steady_state( model, numpy.atleast_2d(epsilons[:,-1:])) start_s = start[0] final_x = final[1] final = numpy.concatenate( final ) start = numpy.concatenate( start ) p = model.calibration['parameters'] initial_guess = numpy.concatenate( [start*(1-l) + final*l for l in linspace(0.0,1.0,T+1)] ) initial_guess = initial_guess.reshape( (-1, n_s + n_x)).T sh = initial_guess.shape if model.x_bounds and not ignore_constraints: initial_states = initial_guess[:n_s,:] [lb, ub] = [ u( initial_states, p ) for u in model.x_bounds] lower_bound = initial_guess*0 - numpy.inf lower_bound[n_s:,:] = lb upper_bound = initial_guess*0 + numpy.inf upper_bound[n_s:,:] = ub else: ignore_constraints=True lower_bound = None upper_bound = None nn = sh[0]*sh[1] fobj = lambda vec: det_residual(model, vec.reshape(sh), start_s, final_x, epsilons)[0].ravel() dfobj = lambda vec: det_residual(model, vec.reshape(sh), start_s, final_x, epsilons)[1].reshape((nn,nn)) from dolo.numeric.solver import solver if not ignore_constraints: sol = solver(fobj, initial_guess, jac=dfobj, lb=lower_bound, ub=upper_bound, method='ncpsolve', serial_problem=False, verbose=verbose ) else: sol = solver(fobj, initial_guess, jac=dfobj, method='fsolve', serial_problem=False, verbose=verbose ) if use_pandas: import pandas colnames = model.symbols['states'] + model.symbols['controls'] + model.symbols['auxiliary'] # compute auxiliaries y = model.functions['auxiliary'](sol[:n_s,:], sol[n_s:,:], p) sol = numpy.row_stack([sol,y]) ts = pandas.DataFrame(sol.T, columns=colnames) return ts else: return sol
[docs]def det_residual(model, guess, start, final, shocks, diff=True): ''' Computes the residuals, the derivatives of the stacked-time system. :param model: an fga model :param guess: the guess for the simulated values. An `(n_s.n_x) x N` array, where n_s is the number of states, n_x the number of controls, and `N` the length of the simulation. :param start: initial boundary condition (initial value of the states) :param final: final boundary condition (last value of the controls) :param shocks: values for the exogenous shocks :param diff: if True, the derivatives are computes :return: a list with two elements: - an `(n_s.n_x) x N` array with the residuals of the system - a `(n_s.n_x) x N x (n_s.n_x) x N` array representing the jacobian of the system ''' # TODO: compute a sparse derivative and ensure the solvers can deal with it n_s = len( model.symbols['states'] ) n_x = len( model.symbols['controls'] ) n_e = len( model.symbols['shocks'] ) N = guess.shape[1] p = model.calibration['parameters'] f = model.functions['arbitrage'] g = model.functions['transition'] a = model.functions['auxiliary'] vec = guess[:,:-1] vec_f = guess[:,1:] s = vec[:n_s,:] x = vec[n_s:,:] S = vec_f[:n_s,:] X = vec_f[n_s:,:] if diff: y, y_s, y_x = a(s,x,p, derivs=True) Y, Y_S, Y_X = a(S,X,p, derivs=True) SS, SS_s, SS_x, SS_y, SS_e = g(s,x,y,shocks,p, derivs=True) R, R_s, R_x, R_y, R_S, R_X, R_Y = f(s,x,y,S,X,Y,p,derivs=True) else: y = a(s,x,p) Y = a(S,X,p) SS = g(s,x,y,shocks,p) R = f(s,x,y,S,X,Y,p) res_s = SS - S res_x = R res = numpy.zeros( (n_s+n_x, N) ) res[:n_s,1:] = res_s res[n_s:,:-1] = res_x res[:n_s,0] = - (guess[:n_s,0] - start) res[n_s:, -1] = - (guess[n_s:, -1] - guess[n_s:, -2] ) if not diff: return res else: # we compute the derivative matrix from dolo.numeric.serial_operations import serial_multiplication as smult res_s_s = SS_s + smult(SS_y, y_s) res_s_x = SS_x + smult(SS_y, y_x) F_s = R_s + smult(R_y, y_s) F_x = R_x + smult(R_y, y_x) F_S = R_S + smult(R_Y, Y_S) F_X = R_X + smult(R_Y, Y_X) # next block is probably very inefficient jac = numpy.zeros( (n_s+n_x, N, n_s+n_x, N) ) for i in range(N-1): jac[n_s:,i,:n_s,i] = F_s[:,:,i] jac[n_s:,i,n_s:,i] = F_x[:,:,i] jac[n_s:,i,:n_s,i+1] = F_S[:,:,i] jac[n_s:,i,n_s:,i+1] = F_X[:,:,i] jac[:n_s,i+1,:n_s,i] = res_s_s[:,:,i] jac[:n_s,i+1,n_s:,i] = res_s_x[:,:,i] jac[:n_s,i+1,:n_s,i+1] = -numpy.eye(n_s) jac[:n_s,0,:n_s,0] = - numpy.eye(n_s) jac[n_s:,-1,n_s:,-1] = - numpy.eye(n_x) jac[n_s:,-1,n_s:,-2] = + numpy.eye(n_x) return [res,jac]
if __name__ == '__main__': # this example computes the response of the rbc economy to a series of expected productivity shocks. # investment is bounded by an exogenous value 0.2, so that investment is constrained in the first periods # TODO: propose a meaningful economic example from dolo import * from pylab import * model = yaml_import('examples/global_models/rbc_pf.yaml') e_z = atleast_2d( linspace(0.1, 0.0, 10) ) start_s = numpy.zeros(2) * numpy.nan start_s[0] = 1.5 sol1 = deterministic_solve(model, shocks=e_z, T=50, use_pandas=True, ignore_constraints=True, start_s=start_s) sol1 = deterministic_solve(model, T=50, use_pandas=True, ignore_constraints=True, start_s=start_s) sol2 = deterministic_solve(model, shocks=e_z, T=50, use_pandas=True, ignore_constraints=False) from pylab import * subplot(211) plot(sol1['k'], label='k') plot(sol1['z'], label='z') plot(sol1['i'], label='i') subplot(212) plot(sol2['k'], label='k') plot(sol2['z'], label='z') plot(sol2['i'], label='i') plot(sol2['i']*0 + sol2['i'].max(), linestyle='--', color='black') legend() show()